Townsville City Autosports Club Inc.

Townsville City Autosports Club  offers a variety of events for motoring enthusiasts. The Club was incorporated on 9 May 1990 as the Twin Cities AutoSports Club (TCAC)  and changed its name in 2008 to Townsville City Autosports Club (TCAC) when Thuringowa and Townsville merged as one city.

TCAC is affiliated with  Motorsport Australia and Drive-It NQ. It also has a relationship with Millchester Motorsport Facility in Charters Towers. These relationships enable TCAC to offer a variety of events throughout the region including:-

TCAC encourages new members and offers both competing and  non - competing members opportunities to participate in the organizing and running of events.

Objectives of the Club

1.     To provide and engender social, technical and sporting activities associated with motor vehicles

2.     To promote and encourage road safety, accident prevention and courtesy between drivers of motor vehicles

3.     Promote safe driving and demonstrate defensive driving techniques (car control) to learner drivers

4.     To associate or affiliate with Motorsport Australia (formerly CAMS) and/or other National Motor-sporting bodies according to the Constitution and observing National Competition Rules.

5.     Promote North Queensland sporting and motoring events 

Contact Us







                       Club Banking Details

                 BSB 633 000       Acct 160540936


Officials thanks BSCC

Championship Points           

TCAC proposal to Drive-It for Gravel Facilities at Calcium - please inspect and send suggestions to TCAC or Drive-It
       © TCAC – Townsville City Autosports Club Inc 2013

Next TCAC events

New Membership form in forms tab - memberships due 1/4/2024


See Calendar for all events